CO2 Mapping for Scope 3 – Just in time!
We’re seeing a growing demand from our customers wanting to understand and reduce their climate impact, particularly when it comes to Scope 3 emissions. For many companies, this is the most complex part of CO2 reporting, but it’s also where the greatest potential for real change lies.
🔍 But, what is Scope 3?
Scope 3 covers indirect emissions throughout the entire value chain – from suppliers to the end-use of products and services. It includes everything from procurement and transportation to customer usage and waste management. According to the GHG Protocol, Scope 3 is divided into 15 categories, including transportation, energy consumption in the supply chain, and waste.
💡 Key takeaways
📌 It’s vast: Scope 3 can account for up to 70-90% of a company’s total carbon footprint, making it a critical area to map and address.
📌 Collaboration is essential: Since Scope 3 spans the entire value chain, close cooperation with suppliers and partners is crucial for data collection and actionable insights.
📌 Focus on data quality: Accurate and transparent data is key to making realistic assessments and driving improvement.
📌 Prioritise the big emitters: Start by identifying the largest sources of emissions in your value chain, then measure, analyze, and reduce them.
🤔 How to get started
✅ Map your value chain – Begin by identifying the key areas in your business contributing to Scope 3 emissions.
✅ Leverage the GHG Protocol – Follow the standard to systematically measure and report your Scope 3 emissions.
✅ Engage with suppliers – Open dialogues and share best practices to collect data and set shared goals.
✅ Set targets and action plans – Define clear objectives to reduce emissions in each part of your value chain.
⏳ Tackling Scope 3 requires time and resources, but the results can make a significant impact both on the environment and on your company’s sustainability profile.
At Xylo Sweden, we’re helping our clients navigate this complex process – reach out if you’d like to learn how we can assist you in starting your Scope 3 mapping journey!